Empowering at-risk youth in the City of St. Louis with a brighter future.
Journey Within Empowerment Center is an officially established non-profit organization, with a 501c 3 status through the IRS and also official registration within the state of Missouri. Our services and programming for children, youth, parents and building strong community. Journey Within Empowerment Center mission is to help youth gain clarity and transform negative thoughts into positive ones. Together we will work through variety of issues including trauma, depression, behavioral issues/challenges, anxiety, school failure, abuse, peer pressure and substance abuse.
JWEC programs are designed to address a critical need in underserved communities, and we believe that by offering resources and mental health care through high fidelity wraparound programs, we can make a significant impact where services are limited to none. JWEC’s strong commitment to supporting children and families has been pivotal to the community it serves.
Supporting Mental Wellness and Education.
We believe all young people deserve the chance to thrive, and seek to remove the barriers that prevent many young people from participating in activities that help them become well rounded adults.
Expressive Art Therapy Program
The Youth Expressive Therapy Program is an afterschool program in which students are engaged in creative writing, vocal expression, and character development workshops. The program hopes to give participants the skills needed to interact positively with peers, communicate more effectively, and enable them to build self esteem and confidence while honing leadership skills
Inside Out Crime Prevention Program
Journey Within Empowerment Center gives support and social and behavioral well-being to incarcerated youth. This art therapy program utilizes Evidence-Based Practices such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to help reduce recidivism. The detained youth will receive life skills services that will assist in removing negative barriers. Youth who participate in the program activities are more likely to develop high self-esteem, leadership skills, and positive attitudes toward learning. This will allow youth to express their emotions through conversation, writing, talking, drawing, and singing”. This program provides alternatives to youth’s current methods of expression by offering activities geared towards youth developing a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging, and empowerment. It is our belief that positive youth development begins with engagement. Journey Within Empowerment Center is focused on reducing the escalation of juvenile crime and incarceration rates in the St. Louis Metropolitan area by offering an array of activities adhering to two broad dimensions of behavior disorders, internalizing and externalizing.
• Increased self-discipline, self-control, and self-esteem
• Decreased likelihood for criminal behavior
• Increased alignment with positive community institutions
• Neighborhood development and ownership
Supporting the Community
Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Girlz Circle Group
Six to eight week group with girls that focused on discussion topics on supportive relationships. Circle format provides consistent structure and opportunity for shared experiences, support, leadership, skills building, resource development, reductions of isolation, sisterhood, esteem building.
-Sense of direction and motivation
-Optimistic outlook about themselves and others.
-Interacting with other girls and forming positive relationships
-Safe place for self-expression
“They whispered to her, filled with doubt, that she couldn’t possibly withstand the storm. With unwavering confidence, she whispered back, asserting her strength and resolve, ‘I am the storm.’”
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(314) 873-5986