It’s Okay to not be Okay”

Adolescents Groups/ Workshops

Six-week sessions with discussion topics included self-responsibility and accountability for one’s actions problem-solving skills, alternatives to conflict, emotion-regulation skills, and coping with triggers. The goals are to enhance anger management skills, develop positive social skills, and decrease the risk for aggressive behavior and delinquency. In turn, this is expected to reduce the risk for youth violence.

Goals and Objectives
  • Building and maintaining social relationships

  • Coping with stress

  • Problem solving

  • Being responsible for oneself and as part of a team

  • Having and acting with a set of values

  • Setting goals and having confidence about the future

  • Developing and practicing emotional intelligence

  • Being motivated and having perseverance

  • Defining a passion or interests

  • Safe place to express feelings

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.
— Be your original self